About Us

Growing up in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the highlands of Scotland provided a plethora of opportunities but also a certain crowded-ness that, every once in a while, you need to escape. Living in a country that offers the benefit of the doubt to its people rather than the land owners gave me the opportunity to discover the quiet places that Scotland is filled with.

It started with just me, my dog and occasionally my siblings or friends, seeking quiet places where we could retreat from the crowds and enjoy our own company and thoughts. Eventually the solace found in these spots grew into a bit of an addiction becoming the focus of almost every weekend and spare moment.

20 years on and, as the cliche goes, in my old age I have started to find that these places are best enjoyed with the people I have met throughout my life, leading me to create this company.

Wear It’s Quiet is my attempt to help people reconnect with the ever shrinking wilderness that Scotland has to offer and take advantage of the amazing rights that any Scot or visitor to the country has the right to enjoy.

What We Sell

Put simply, we sell t-shirts.... But it is what the t-shirts have on them that creates the real excitement.

Every t-shirt comes with unique coordinates printed on the material. These coordinates, when punched into Google maps, give you a location in Scotland that is the base for your adventures. 

Using the location you can plan a trip and find new spaces to explore. 

I suppose t-shirts is a bit of an understatement, but telling people we sell adventure feels a bit 90’s salesman.

Read more about the process on our “How It Works” page

How It Works

The Goal

The dream is simple. Bring the joys of Scotland to the people that need it the most and hopefully grow the business to turn these trips into a full time job.

A life with a pack and my dog.