
At the risk of sounding like one of these people you will inevitably meet in the hills of Scotland. Please read the below before purchasing and setting off on your adventure. 

Our business sells t-shirts featuring unique coordinates leading to various locations in Scotland. While we strive to offer exciting and memorable experiences, it's important to understand that some of these locations may be remote, challenging to access, or require specific equipment for safe exploration.
We urge all individuals who use the coordinates provided on our t-shirts to exercise caution and prioritise safety at all times. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Conducting thorough research about the destination before embarking on the journey.
  • Ensuring that appropriate gear and equipment are on hand for the specific terrain and weather conditions.
  • Following all local regulations, guidelines, and restrictions related to outdoor activities and exploration.
  • Being aware of potential hazards such as steep terrain, wildlife encounters, adverse weather conditions, and limited access to amenities.
  • By using the coordinates provided on our t-shirts to explore these locations, individuals acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with outdoor activities and remote travel. Our business shall not be held liable for any accidents, injuries, or damages that may occur during the exploration of the locations provided.

Common sense, common decency and half decent kit are all you need to get started. The rest I picked up along the way. 

Useful links